PHP Basics

About PHP

Difference between PHP and HTML

HTML isn’t processed until it gets to the browser, but the PHP is executed on the server, and its output(typically HTML or some other text) replaces the PHP code.

PHP is a server-side language. None of your PHP ever hits the browser — it’s processed on the server.

What you can do with PHP

  • You’ll be able to change values on your site based on user input or other values (e.g. change the greeting based on the time of day.)
  • You’ll be able to use the information that a user enters into a form, maybe by giving them appropriate content based on that info (think search results) or by storing that information within a database.

  • You’ll be able to let your users upload files to your server.

  • You’ll be able to build pages “on the fly” by combining templates with content from a database, all right as the viewer requests that specific page.

  • And more and more…

Installing PHP




Another tools

How to use php in terminal

php -a //hit enter

The Example Files and codes

PHP files

  • Open htdocs folder
  • Create a folder called example

Create a file index.php

    echo "The code will go here";

localhost:8888/examples/index.php on your browser.

PHP Syntax

PHP Tags

    //your php code goes here


    <title>my php page</title>
        echo "hello there!";

Doing Cool Stuff with PHP and HTML

<h1> Hello PHP! </h1>
echo "<p>I'm getting good with PHP.</p>";//you need ; for each statement
echo "<b>hello there!</b>";

    echo "<font color='green'>hello there!</font>";

echo "today is ".date('Y-m-d');


$message = "<p>I'm getting good with PHP.</p>";
echo $message;

Basic Values/Datatypes


Two quotes and sigle quotes

$str = "It's a nice day today."
echo $str;
$str = 'This is a PHP string examples in single quotes';
echo $str;

Using a single quote. <?php echo "That's how you do it. 'Gotcha,' you reply."; ?>

Escaping Special Characters

Escaping a quote <?php $str = "\"This is a PHP string examples in double quotes\""; echo $str; ?>

Escaping an apostrophe

$str = 'It\'s a nice day today.';
echo $str;

you can put variables right inside the string

$name = "Sherlock";
echo "Hello, $name.";

Concatenating Strings in PHP

$str1 = "I Love PHP.";
$str2 = "PHP is fun to learn.";
echo $str1." ".$str2;

Useful PHP String Functions

Example - strlen() Function

$str = "Hello!";
echo strlen($str);// 6

Example - str_replace() Function

$str = "Hello! How are you today?";
echo str_replace("Hello", "Hi", $str);//Hi! How are you today?

Example - strtoupper() Function

$str = "hello!";
echo strtoupper($str);//HELLO!

Example - ucfirst() Function

$str = "hello!";
echo ucfirst($str);//Hello!

Example - trim() Function

$str = " hello! ";
echo trim($str);//"hello!


1.234e5 //123400
echo 1.23e4 //12300


not case-sensitive true/TRUE and false/FALSE.

// return false
"" (empty string)
false (of course)
array() (an empty array)


caseinsensitive null/NULL


numeric arrays

$an_array = array("HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "PHP");

By default, arrays use numeric indices; also by default, the indices start at 0, not 1. So, based on that array up there,

$an_array[0] holds the value HTML
$an_array[2] is JavaScript.

Associative array using key => value

PHP arrays are not confined to one data type per array. $person = array( "name" => "Sherlock Holmes", "birthdate" => "January 6, 1854", "married" => false, "interests" => array("reading", "chemistry", "crime", "violin") ); $person["name"] will be "Sherlock Holmes"

Assigning value to an array

$an_array[4] = "SQL";
$person["best friend"] = "John Watson";


# this is a comment
// this is also a comment   
/* this is
a multiline
comment */
$name = "Sherlock"; # You can add comments here.
$name = "Sherlock"; // You can add comments here as well.


Arithmetic Operators

$num = 10;
$num = $num + 10; # Addition
$num = $num - 5; # Subtraction
$num = $num / 2; # Division
$num = $num * 0.2; # Multiplication
echo $num; # outputs 1.5

We’re redefining the value of the variable $num every time


It returns the remainder. The modulus operator is a great way to find out if a number is odd or even. //modulus %
5 % 3; # 2

The string operator

"first string " . "second string";// . concatenate strings

Assignment Operators

$num = 10;
$num += 10; # Addition $num = $num + 10
$num -= 5; # Subtraction
$num /= 2; # Division
$num *= 0.2; # Multiplication
echo $num; # outputs 1.5

Incrementing / Decrementing Operators

// all are the same
$num = $num + 1;
$num += 1;

echo $num++;//5
echo ++$num ;// 6
$num=5;echo $num-- ;//5
$num=5;echo --$num ; //4

Comparison Operators

doubleequals ( == ) and triple-equals ( === )

double-equals (also called the equal operator) tries to convert both values to the same type before comparing.

1 == "1" // true
1 === "1" // false
10 != "10"; # false, because it converts the string to a number
10 !== "10"; # true
5 > 10; # false
5 < 10; # true
5 >= 10; # true
4 <= 4; # true
$name = "Sherlock";
var_dump(!$name)// bool(false)
$married = false;
var_dump(!$married);// true

Logical Operators

//&& AND
var_dump(6 > 5 && 1 < 7); //true
// || OR
var_dump(2 > 5 || 1 < 7);//true

PHP If Else Statement


//Give what day of the week it is. Returns Sunday through Saturday.
$day = date("l");

if ($day == "Saturday")
    echo "It's party time :)";
    echo "Ahhh! I hate work days.";

//Give what day of the week it is. Returns Sunday through Saturday.
$day = date("l");

if ($day == "Saturday")
    echo "It's party time :)";
    echo " Where are you going this evening?";
    echo "Ahhh! I hate work days.";
    echo " I want weekend to come :)";


The Elseif Statement in PHP

//Give what day of the week it is. Returns Sunday through Saturday.
$day = date("l");

if ($day == "Saturday")
    echo "It's party time :)";
    echo " Where are you going this evening?";
elseif ($day == "Friday")
    echo "Have a nice day!";
    echo "Ahhh! I hate work days.";
    echo " I want weekend to come :)";

PHP Project Resources

Making a Really Cool jQuery Gallery

A simple AJAX website with jQuery

Written on May 23, 2013