Notes on my Mac
My Mac environment for a new Mac book Pro.
- xcode
- composer
- nodejs
- rbenv
- Ruby lastest
- homebrew
- PHP mcrypt extension
- PHP memcache extension
- Sphinx
- git
brew list
brew list
autoconf git libpng openssl ruby-build
brew-cask glib libtiff pango unixodbc
cairo gobject-introspection libtool php56 vim
cscope harfbuzz macvim php56-igbinary zeromq
czmq icu4c mcrypt php56-memcache zlib
fontconfig jpeg memcached php56-memcached
fontforge libevent mhash pixman
freetype libffi mysql pkg-config
gettext libmemcached node rbenv
Download from github and open README_mac.txt and follow the instruction to install.
Vim powerline
Don't forget to change iterm2 preference > text > font to Inconsolata for Powerline.
- Adobe CS6
- Alfred
- CrossOver
- CymoNEXT
- Evernote
- FileZilla
- Firefox
- Flux
- Geogebra
- Google Chrome
- iTerm
- kdiff3
- Logger Pro 3
- MacVim
- Microsoft office 2011
- Microsoft Silverlight
- Monotype SkyFonts
- Mou
- PhpStorm
- Prepros
- PyCharm
- RAR Extractor Free
- RubyMine
- Safari
- Sequel Pro
- Skitch
- Skype
- Spectacle
- Sublime Text
- TeamViewer
- TeX
- Texmaker
- TeXworks
- TI-Nspire Student Software
- Transmission
- VirtualBox
- Wolfram CEF Player
- Xcode
- XtraFinder
Written on June 18, 2015