Personal notes on Pry 2

This is my personal notes on Pry.

Notes from Introductory screencast

Pry~IRB (Japanese)

# version
$ pry -v
# enter to pry
$ pry
# help
pry(main)> help

# To customize change ~/.pryrc file
# get help on command
pry(main)> show-doc -h

# Showing rubydoc 
pry(main)> s ="pry"
pry(main)> show-doc s.each_line

# or
pry(main)> show-doc String#each_line

# to show method
pry(main)> show-method s.each_line

# or
pry(main)> show-source s.each_line

# adding line number
pry(main)> show-source s.each_line -l

# creating gist
# "gem install gist" and afer pry console enter "install-command gist"
pry(main)> gist s.each_line
Gist created at URL, which is now in the clipboard.

# Showing methods in IRB is very messy but pry shows them line by line.
pry(main)> self.methods

# Using shell command with .(dot)
pry(main)> .ls -al

# ls to list methods of defined context.
pry(main)> s="pry"
pry(main)> ls s

# Use cd to change to the obect. Then use ls to show all methods 
# You can create an object and cd 
pry(main)> require 'net/http'
=> true
pry(main)> url = URI.parse('')
=> #<URI::HTTP:0x007faf6247d560 URL:>
pry(main)> req =
=> #<Net::HTTP::Get GET>
pry(main)> res = Net::HTTP::start(, url.port) do |http|
pry(main)*   http.request(req)
pry(main)* end
=> #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>
pry(main)> cd res
pry(#<Net::HTTPOK>):1> ls

# go back to the main
pry(main)> cd

Calling pry from runtime

# test.rb
require 'pry'
puts "Run Pry!"

Run test.rb. It will start pry after running the script.

$ ruby test5.rb
Run Pry!

From: /Users/teacher/Documents/rubytest/test5.rb @ line 5 :

    1: require 'pry'
    4: puts "Run Pry!"
 => 5: binding.pry

Another example

# test.rb
require 'pry'

class A
  def hello() puts "hello world!" end

a =

# set x to 10
x = 10

# start a REPL session

# program resumes here (after pry session)
puts "program resumes here. Value of x is: #{x}."

Run it from your terminal

$ ruby test4.rb

From: /Users/teacher/Documents/rubytest/test4.rb @ line 14 :

    10: # set x to 10
    11: x = 10
    13: # start a REPL session
 => 14: binding.pry
    16: # program resumes here (after pry session)
    17: puts "program resumes here. Value of x is: #{x}."

[1] pry(main)> a.hello
hello world!
=> nil
[2] pry(main)> puts x
=> nil
[3] pry(main)> def a.goodbye
[3] pry(main)*   puts "Goodbye world!"
[3] pry(main)* end
=> nil
[4] pry(main)> a.goodbye
Goodbye world!
=> nil
[5] pry(main)> x="changed"
=> "changed"
[6] pry(main)> exit
program resumes here. Value of x is: changed.
Written on November 10, 2013